Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Molar Mass by Free

Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression Essay Procedures: Weigh the test tube. Assemble the apparatus of thermometer, split stopper, and stirrer. Measure about eight grams of BHT into the test tube. Record the combined mass, and the mass of the BHT. Clamp the test tube in the beaker and insert the thermometer and stirring wire assembly into the test tube and clamp the assembly to the ring stand. The thermometer should on top of the solid. Add water to the beaker so that the solid is well below the level of the water. Heat the water bath to about 90Â ° Celsius. Allow the BHT in the test tube to melt. When the temperature of the BHT is 80Â ° Celsius or higher, remove the thermometer and test tube from the water bath. The thermometer should maintain position in proportion to the BHT, but the test tube should be out of the water bath beaker. Record the temperature of the BHT every 20 seconds for 30 minutes. Stir the BHT until it solidifies. Measure and record approximately one gram of cetyl alcohol. Place the cetyl alcohol in the test tube containing the BHT. Replace the test tube to the water bath. Heat the test tube until the substances are melted, and reach a temperature over 80Â ° Celsius. Once it exceeds 80Â ° C, remove the test tube from the water bath but maintain the thermometer position in proportion to the mixture. Record the temperature of the BHT every 20 seconds for 30 minutes. Stir the mixture until it solidifies. Repeat the above steps with fresh BHT and, a clean test tube, thermometer, stirrer, and approximately one gram of the unknown compound in place of the cetyl alcohol. Analysis: For the lab, the calculated percent error was 2.99%. The percent error came from the difference in the molar mass of the unknown substance as experienced in the lab, and in the accepted data. A possible point of error was in whether or not a group stirred the substance as it was cooling. This would affect the data recorded, and skew the results depending on how constant the stirring was between trials. If the lab were to be preformed again, the students would all have the same amount of stirring of the cooling substance, either none at all, or a constant stirring throughout the 30 minute cooling period. Conclusion: The purpose of this lab was to determine the molar mass of an unknown substance by measuring the freezing point depression of a solution of an unknown substance and BHT, and to compare the data collected with the accepted value for the lab. The purpose of the lab was fulfilled as the students determined the molar mass of the unknown substance, despite much struggle throughout the process of the lab. Much of the class data was extremely off of the range of acceptable margin of error, so all groups are using the data from a successful group to perform the report.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

History of Arkansas Tech University :: essays research papers

History of Arkansas Tech University Est. 1909   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Arkansas ranked 42nd out of the 46 states in annual per capita school funds at a mere $4.97 per student. Citizens started to feel the need for secondary education for their children most ardently. The Washington County Farmers’ Union started the concept of agricultural boarding schools. H.S. Mobley was one of the most fluent spokesman for the Union. He believed in vocational education, and he pleaded for schools where students might learn partly by working with their hands at practical farm work under trained instructors. In 1908, the Arkansas Democratic platform endorsed the idea of â€Å"farmer’s schools† and George W. Donaghey advocated four such schools in his campaign for governor. The bill that was introduced to the Senate was referred to the agriculture committee, which reported the bill back to the House of Representatives on January 30, 1909, with the recommendation that it be passed. The bill passed the House on February 5, 1909, and the Senate on March 23, 1909. It was signed into law as Act 100 by Governor Donaghey on April 1, 1909. By September 30, 1909, the board members had been appointed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The town wishing to be considered as the location for one of the four schools must offer a minimum of $40,000 and a site of not less than 200 acres. The citizens of Russellville were very interested in meeting these bid conditions. A story in the January 1910 Courier Democrat stated that Atkins had raised $30,000 and 320 acres of land toward a bid for the school, apparently only four towns were in the final bidding; Fort Smith with $40,000 and 200 acres of land; Ozark with $40,000 and 200 acres of land; Russellville with $40,000 and 220 acres of land; and Morrilton with $46,000 and 200 acres of land. It originally appeared that Morrilton went to Ozark with the best bid. However, apparently at the last moment the Russellville delegation led by Judge R.B. Wilson raised its bid by offering free lights and water for three years. Russellville was also favored because of its healthfulness of location, its railroad connections with Dardanelle, Ola, Little Rock, and Fort Smith, Arkansas, its quality of soil, its central location in the district, its proposed site close to town, and its location directly on the water and light lines coming from the dam. February 10, 1910, was a great day in Russellville. History of Arkansas Tech University :: essays research papers History of Arkansas Tech University Est. 1909   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Arkansas ranked 42nd out of the 46 states in annual per capita school funds at a mere $4.97 per student. Citizens started to feel the need for secondary education for their children most ardently. The Washington County Farmers’ Union started the concept of agricultural boarding schools. H.S. Mobley was one of the most fluent spokesman for the Union. He believed in vocational education, and he pleaded for schools where students might learn partly by working with their hands at practical farm work under trained instructors. In 1908, the Arkansas Democratic platform endorsed the idea of â€Å"farmer’s schools† and George W. Donaghey advocated four such schools in his campaign for governor. The bill that was introduced to the Senate was referred to the agriculture committee, which reported the bill back to the House of Representatives on January 30, 1909, with the recommendation that it be passed. The bill passed the House on February 5, 1909, and the Senate on March 23, 1909. It was signed into law as Act 100 by Governor Donaghey on April 1, 1909. By September 30, 1909, the board members had been appointed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The town wishing to be considered as the location for one of the four schools must offer a minimum of $40,000 and a site of not less than 200 acres. The citizens of Russellville were very interested in meeting these bid conditions. A story in the January 1910 Courier Democrat stated that Atkins had raised $30,000 and 320 acres of land toward a bid for the school, apparently only four towns were in the final bidding; Fort Smith with $40,000 and 200 acres of land; Ozark with $40,000 and 200 acres of land; Russellville with $40,000 and 220 acres of land; and Morrilton with $46,000 and 200 acres of land. It originally appeared that Morrilton went to Ozark with the best bid. However, apparently at the last moment the Russellville delegation led by Judge R.B. Wilson raised its bid by offering free lights and water for three years. Russellville was also favored because of its healthfulness of location, its railroad connections with Dardanelle, Ola, Little Rock, and Fort Smith, Arkansas, its quality of soil, its central location in the district, its proposed site close to town, and its location directly on the water and light lines coming from the dam. February 10, 1910, was a great day in Russellville.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Factors of Chinese Art Market Essay

The Chinese possess the longest continuous cultural history of any of the peoples of the world (Sickman. L, 1968). In recent years, pushed by the huge economic growth in Asia, the fine art market rise sharply within Asia, especially China, changed the geographical structure of the global art market. The Chinese government set up some preferential policies to promote the fine art market because they see the great economic potential in this flied. In 2011, China has a 49% growth of artworks in auction revenue, becoming the first global marketplace for the sale of art. Although the transaction volume of China (10.8%) was behind USA and France, the auction revenue (41.4%) was the first of the world (Artprice, Trend of art market 2011) . This means China is becoming the central of high price fine art market. In 2011, a painting with calligraphy which was painted by Qi Baishi, †Eagle Standing on Pine Tree; Four-Character Couplet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  was sold for 4.255 Yuan(about 65 million US dollars) in Beijing by China Guardian auction company, a record high for contemporary and modern Chinese paintings and calligraphy(China Guardian Auctions). As Chinese fine art market growing quickly in last few years, more and more researches and studies have been done by both Chinese and other foreign people, this essay will focus on some factors behind the market and analysis how the factors influence the Chinese fine art market. And the analysis can be dividing into four sections, cultures, history events and policies, buyers and marketing channels. First of all, this essay is going to find out the difference between the western countries people and the Chinese people in culture of collecting aspect and work of art aspect. There is some strong culture which is really to be changed in any country and this will completely change the way people treat art works in a country. Just because people treat art works differently, every country’s fine art market culture is unique, and this can influence the market automatically. For example when Chinese people selling antiques, they always leave a large gap between the quote and the deal price to wait buyers to bargain because Chinese people believe buyers will feel happy and they have brought the antique in a cheaper price. Secondly, history events and policies linkage to the Chinese fine art market will be mentioned. Through the history events (such as the reform and open up in 1978 and joining the WTO in 2001) and policies (like import and export trading policies) to analysis how these events and changes influence the Chinese fine art market. A cultural repatriation has been in the spotlight a great deal from 2000, with the sale of the Yuan Ming Yuan bronze fountainheads, then the Chinese government has attach more importance to the fine art trade after it(Wang. A, 2012). Actually, modern Chinese fine art market starts after the reform and open up in 1978 and today becoming the first place of the marketplace for the sale of art. Also according the Tariff implementation plan 2012 of China, the import duty of art work decreased from 12% to 6% (General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China), this promoted the fine art market, in the first half of 2012, the trading amounts reach 210.8 billion Yuan (Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China), which means China has been overtaken the USA, becoming the top art market. Then, this paper will explore different kinds of buyers and find out their purchasing intention. In this section, it will be a case study about the different buyers by having an interview with an antiquary and a staff of an international auction company. Antique buyers have different purchasing intention; some of them are shop holders or agencies buying art works for selling, some of them are art fanciers buying art works for collecting, some of them buying art work as investment, and there are some people just want to show their social status or financial position through buying expensive art works. Through the interview, more purchasing intention will carry out so that it will be more clear that how different buyers can influence the fine art market all around the world differently. The last section of this essay will talk about the marketing channels aspect. Chinese antiques can be seen in auction houses, trade fairs, art galleries, fine art shops all around the world(Artprice, Trend of art market 2011), People come together to appreciate or buy antiques. Furthermore, some private trade happens a lot without noticed by the mass. Different marketing channels have its own characteristics and price levels so that it could attract its own target audience. Although the market of Chinese antiques is growing in a very high speed, some scholars still have some issues to worry. As Audrey Wang mentioned (2012), some speculators believed that Chinese art market is an indomitable force and become the first place in volumes of sale of fine art. On the other hand, sceptics claim that the current trend as merely a bubble and today’s China is not ready yet to experience a full economic cycle of growth and decline. When a group of Chinese curio dealer visit the 25th of TEFAF which hold in the Nederland, they were not only shocked by the fine art work’s quality and authenticity, but also the seller’s integrity and normative. When they ask for some background and information about an antique, the vendor just read from the testimonial but not making an attractive story. The Chinese fine art market is still not mature because more standard rules or policies are needed. Lastly, the high speed growth of the Chinese fine art market might cause some mislead about the art. Quite a lot of people will regard high price as high quality in the fine art market, this is completely a misunderstanding for the art works. Therefore some scholars argue that the great growth could destroy the culture and art, this will be also discussed in this essay. Bibliography: Sickman, L (1968) The Art and Architecture of China, Yale University Press, London Wang, A (2012) Chinese Antiquities, an introduction to the art market, Lund Humphries, Surrey. TEFAF Artprice, Trend of art market 2011 (2013-01-07) China Guardian Auctions (2013-01-07) Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China (2013-01-07) General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (2013-01-07)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Middle School and High School Intervention Programs

Intervention has become an important tool for servicing students who struggle academically particularly in reading and/or math. School intervention programs are very popular in elementary schools, but what about middle school and high school? The truth is that the older the student is, the more difficult it becomes to get a student who is behind back on grade level. That doesn’t mean that schools shouldn’t have intervention programs in place for their middle school and high school students. However, these programs should embrace the middle school/high school culture where motivating students becomes half the battle. Motivating students will lead to improvement and growth in all areas of academics. It is important to understand that what works for one school may not work in another. Each school has its own culture shaped by many external factors. Principals and teachers need to work together to figure out what aspects of a program are applicable to their school’s unique situation. With that in mind, we explore two different middle school/high school intervention programs. They were designed to motivate students to succeed academically to give those struggling students some much needed extra assistance 8th Hour/Saturday School Premise: Most students do not want to spend extra time at school. This program is aimed at two primary groups of students: Those students are below grade level in reading and/or mathThose students who often fail to complete or turn in work This  intervention program has been designed  with several strategies to help these students. Those include: Requiring students to complete incomplete or missing assignmentsProviding extra assistance on assignmentsProviding extra time to complete assignments when a student has been absentBuilding reading and math skills so as to prepare a student for state testing The intervention program should be run by a reading specialist or certified teacher and could be held during an 8th hour, or an immediate extension of the school day running every day. Students could also participate in this intervention by serving a Saturday School. This is not intended as student discipline but as an academic aid to success. Each of the four components is broken down below: Requiring students to complete incomplete assignments or missing assignments Any student who turns in an incomplete or a zero would be required to serve an 8th hour the day that assignment was due.If they complete the assignment on that day, then they would  receive full credit for that assignment. However, if they do not complete it that day, they should continue to serve 8th hour until the assignment is complete and turned in. The student would only receive 70% credit if they do not turn it in that day. Each additional day it takes to complete an assignment would also add to the count towards a Saturday School as discussed in point four.After three missing/incomplete assignments, then the maximum a student may  score on any missing/incomplete assignment thereafter is 70%. This would penalize students who continuously fail to complete work.If a student turns in a combination of 3 incomplete and/or zeros during a half-term period, then the student would be required to serve a Saturday School. After they have served a Saturday School, it would reset, and t hey would have 3 more incomplete/zeros before they are required to serve another Saturday School.This would reset at the end of each half term. Providing students with  extra assistance on assignments Any student who needs extra help or tutoring on assignments may voluntarily come in during 8th hour to receive that help. Students should take the initiative for this. Providing extra time to complete assignments when a student has been absent If a student is absent, they would  be required to spend the day that they returned in 8th hour. This would allow extra time to get the assignments and to complete them, so there is not as much to do at home.The student would  be required to collect their assignments the morning they return. Building reading and math skills so as to prepare a student for state testing After cross referencing state testing scores and/or other assessment programs, a small group of students could be selected to be pulled in two days a week to help improve either their reading level or math level. These students would be assessed periodically to monitor their progress. Once they reach their grade level, then they would graduate out in that area. This part of the program is intended to give students skills they are missing and needing to be more successful in math and reading. Fast Friday Premise: Students like to get out of school early. This program provides an incentive for students who maintain at least a 70% in all subject areas. The Fast Friday intervention has been designed to motivate students to keep their grades above a 70% and to provide extra assistance for those students who have grades below a 70%. Fast Fridays would occur on a bi-weekly basis. On Fast Friday our daily class schedule would be shortened from the traditional school schedule to accommodate an early dismissal following lunch. This privilege would be extended only to students maintaining grades of 70% or above. Students who have only one class in which they are below a 70% would be required to stay after lunch only for a short time, during which they will receive extra assistance in the class which they are struggling. Students who have two or more classes in which they have below a 70% would be required to stay until the normal dismissal time, during which they will receive extra assistance in each class they are struggling.